What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
GDPR aims to harmonise data protection laws across the EU and provide stronger rights for individuals that reflect the monumental increase in the use of technology and data in business and personal lives.
To meet the new standards required, all businesses need to have in place comprehensive but proportionate measures to minimise the risk of breaches and uphold the protection of personal data.
How we can help
As specialists in compliance, we were delighted to be invited to join the GDPR Alliance which provides one avenue for clients to find a solution to all their requirements relating to GDPR.
If you need any assistance in GDPR, we offer a range of courses and online training.
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Why is GDPR Important?
The importance of organisations taking GDPR seriously are reflected in the potential increase in fines.
These can range from £500,000 under the current Data Protection Act to the new higher amount of £20,000,000 or 4% of annual worldwide group turnover.
Following this legal framework will reduce your chance of being fined, as well as give you the confidence that you meet all related regulations.
Benefits of GDPR
Increased customer confidence
Improved security of data
Ability to align with changing technology
Improved decision making
Reduce fines and costs
Better company reputation