With nearly half of UK households* now owning a dishwasher, washing up by hand has become a thing of the past for many. Dishwashers use far less water (up to 6,000 gallons a year) than doing the washing up by hand - but what about those of us who don't own one?
Whether you have a dishwasher or not, here are some tips to reduce the environmental impact of doing the washing up... Dishwashers
Make sure you fill the dishwasher fully to use energy and water most efficiently.
Don't rinse your dishes before you load the dishwasher.
Don't run the dry cycle - the temperature of the water should mean that your dishes will dry naturally if you leave the door open after the machine has finished.
Invest in a newer, more efficient model with a good energy rating.
Washing up by hand
If you don't own a dishwasher, using a washing up bowl (rather than keeping the tap running) will reduce the amount of water being used.
To reduce the need to change the water in the bowl, wash the cleanest items (such as glassware and cups) first, followed by dishes and plates, and finally, pots and pans.
To find out how Penarth Management Limited can help you to reduce energy and be more efficient, please contact us at info@penarth.co.uk or on 029 2070 3328.