“Everyone move one place to the left!” cried the Mad Hatter.
It was the strangest tea room Alice had ever seen. The Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the sleeping Dormouse all arguing around a big table.
“Can I sit down?” Alice asked.
“There’s no room!” they all shouted.
Alice scratched her head. It seemed like there was plenty of room, but the three of them were very distracted.
“It’s all the paperwork for the ISO 22000 for food safety management,” the March Hare said.
“It takes up so much of our time to keep on top of it that we’re all constantly grumpy!”
The dormouse sighed: “We want to start a mobile tea party business, too, but all the red tape is holding us back. Makes me want to hide in the teapot!”
Alice smiled and walked slowly around the tea table.
“You’re doing the right things and you have your ISO accreditation. That takes care of your customers and shows them you know what you’re doing when it comes to food safety,” Alice told them.
“It also means you’re complying with the regulations.”
The March Hare looked up: “We know…but the paperwork!”
“Ah,” said Alice. “I have the perfect answer for you. Mango.”
The Mad Hatter scratched his head: “Mango? Sounds like one of my riddles!”
Alice laughed. “It’s compliance software which makes your like so much easier. Everything’s in one place, you can access it wherever you are in Wonderland.
“It makes it easier to ensure you have everything for ISO 22000 – and that will help you get customers and clients for the outside catering business you’d like to set up.”
The March Hare nodded: “Yes, we’re just going round in circles around this table without it. I can see it now, The March Hare’s Tea Parties…”
The Mad Hatter jumped to his feet. “The Mad Hatter’s Tea Parties!”
The dormouse yawned: “Why not the dormouse’s tea parties?”
Alice could feel another argument brewing and decided to move on – leaving the March Hare our contact details.
How could your food business make use of Mango? Find out by booking a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom.