The Finding
No risk assessment is available for the window cleaners.
Some Context to the Finding
The manufacturing organistation where this finding was raised runs multi-sited operations. Their premises consist of manufacturing units and office blocks.
The cleaning of windows had been outsourced to specialist window cleaners. However, there was no evidence available to indicate that the client had requested and evaluated the contractor's risk assessment in relation to the activity.
Action taken to address the finding
Risk assessments were obtained for window cleaning.
All staff involved in procurement activities were reminded of the need to ensure that risks associated with activities undertaken by contractors are always considered before the activity takes place.
Lessons to take from this finding
There is a legal duty to ensure the safety of contractors, as well as employees (and other persons)
Risks should always be considered before activities are undertaken.
Even without being experts in specialist activities, like window cleaning, people training in conducting risk assessments would be able to review documentation to determine if the hierarchy of controls has been considered, and, in this example, it is reasonable to expect the elimination of work at height (by using extendable cleaning brushes) or, for taller buildings, the use of elevated work platforms and personal safety equipment, including harnesses.
Evidence of risk assessment should be retained.
Do you need training on how to conduct risk assessments?
Contact us on 029 2070 3328 or via info@penarth.co.uk and let us know how many people you are looking to train.