Del Boy nudged Rodney’s elbow.
“Just imagine it, Rodney. See it written on that van there…New York, Paris, Peckham, by appointment to His Majesty King Charles…Cushty…”
Del looked into the distance, smiling.
Rodney laughed: “You’ve really lost it this time, Del. You honestly think the king is going to allow you to put the royal coat of arms on our Trotters Independent Traders van!
“I used to think you were on another planet when you told me we’d be millionaires one day!”
Del looked hurt and pulled his cap down a little.
“Never hurts to dream, Rodders! Besides, we WILL be millionaires one day.”
Rodney laughed.
“When will that be, Del? When they make Uncle Albert an admiral?”
Del Boy humphed and pulled out his phone.
“Look at this website someone in the rotary club told me about. Penarth Management. They’re helping businesses get through everything they need to do to get a royal warrant. All the quality systems they need to put in place…”
Rodney snorted: “Quality systems! They’d better not find out about those dodgy air fryers you sold last week, or the laptops that seemed such a great deal until you realised the keyboards were all in Mandarin…”
Del shrugged: “Anyone can have the odd issue with a supplier, Rodney. Anyway, I’m going to give them a call to talk about Mango…”
Rodney shook his head: “Oh no, Del. Me and Mickey aren’t going to go back on that market stall to sell mangoes for you in the driving rain. We almost caught our deaths last time!”
Del tutted.
“No, Rodney, Mango the online software system for compliance. It’ll help me get all my ducks in a row. I can put all my documents on there and they’ll be kept in the cloud. We’ll be able to get at them wherever my phone has internet. No more losing paperwork or filling up the flat with it! Lovely jubbly!”
Rodney sniggered: “And no more excuses that the dog ate it when someone wants their money back, Del!”
He shrugged and looked at his younger brother.
“Got to move with the times, Rodders…You know what I always say, don’t ya?”
They both said together: “He who dares wins!”
Find out how Mango’s online compliance software benefits your business and helps regain royal warrants. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email info@penarth.co.uk