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Time for transport companies to get Mango? Yes, Minister!


Jim Hacker looked around at his new department.

“So this is what the Ministry of Transport looks like,” he said, sighing.

One minute you’re riding high in Number 10, the next you’re back to the coal face after a series of unfortunate scandals and a resignation letter that pledges loyalty to the party while stepping down as Prime Minister.

His oily replacement had sent Bernard to tell him he’d been given the departmental poison chalice.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity, minister,” Bernard had said. Oh, how quickly the civil servants had dropped the ‘prime’.

“A way to rebuild your support base. In a year…who knows?”

I know, Hacker thought. I know perfect well this is merely a stepping stone to the department of agriculture and all those filthy wellies…the only way is down…

Humphrey coughed: “First on the agenda, minister, is a photocall in a newly refurbished transport hub in Birmingham.”

Hacker sighed: “Do I have to go, Humphrey? Can’t I feign a coma or alien abduction?”

Humphrey shook his head firmly: “No, minister. The company that runs it needs some reassurance about the future of their contract. After all, they did make a rather generous donation at election time.”

Hacker sighed: “Such is the life of a junior member of the cabinet…”

Humphrey nodded: “Indeed…They want to talk about the new Martyn’s Law and what they need to do to get ready for it, and how much extra paperwork they’re going to have to deal with.”

Hacker said: “This is the new legislation named after Martyn Hett, who was killed in the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, isn’t it? All transport companies will have an extra duty of care to protect the public in their transport hubs and on their vehicles. Send them to our friends at Penarth Management. They’ll help them get a plan together for the new law and their sister company The Protect Alliance has a series of useful webinars to assist them. The next one is on the threat from vehicle attacks - very useful for transport companies. They can register here: Events | The Protect Alliance (UK)

“Penarth Management also have the answer to their piles of paperwork…”

Humphrey asked: “What answer?”

Hacker replied: “Mango…”

Humphrey snorted: “Fruit salad, minister?”

Hacker shook his head: “Online compliance software that keeps all their records in the cloud, so no more piles of paperwork like training records and safety reports hanging around. Plus, everyone who needs to can access documents wherever there’s an internet connection.”

Humphrey smiled: “Bought shares in Mango, minister?”

Hacker smiled grimly: “Not yet, Humphrey. Not yet…”

  • Find out how Mango’s online compliance software could help your transport company. Book a free demonstration which will be delivered via Zoom. We can help you achieve the ISOs you need, too. Call Penarth Management on 029 2070 3328 or email



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