A Management System is a framework used to establish the policies and objectives of an organisation and the processes and procedures to achieve those objectives.
A Management System can be produced to meet the requirements of a specific management standard, e.g. ISO 9001:2008; ISO 14001:2004; OHSAS18001:2007, or can be an inclusive system which addresses all aspects of an organisation’s activities.
It can be documented and presented in a variety of styles, the most familiar consisting of a high level document which outlines the policies, objectives, processes and responsibilities, with a supporting set of procedures which give the detail of how the various processes which support and enable the policies and objectives are carried out and recorded. Alternative formats including process flowcharts are increasingly popular. Penarth Management has extensive experience in successfully helping businesses develop and implement management systems covering Quality, Environment and Health & Safety and a range of related British and International Standards.
Contact us via 029 2070 3328 or info@penarth.co.uk to see how we can help.