Transition your health and safety management system from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001
This course is designed for organisations that already have a Health and Safety Management System that meets the requirements of OHSAS 18001 and recognise the need to transition to ISO 45001:2018 The course takes into account the general guidelines on implementation as detailed in BS 45002 parts 0, 1, 2 and 3.
Course details:
Who should attend?
Duration and fees:
This course lasts 1 days, and costs £450 + VAT per person.
Health and Safety Managers
Compliance Managers
Facilities Managers
People with key responsibilities for health and safety performance (such as accident and HR records, health surveillance programmes)
The course is delivered via a combination of methods including interactive demonstrations and practical exercises.
The course covers:
What are the key differences between OHSAS18001 and ISO45001?
The requirements of ISO 45001:2018 and how to apply them within your organisation
Delegates will gain the knowledge to be able to implement and maintain a Health and Safety Management System within their own organisation and organisations benefit from a cost effective way of upskilling team members responsible for managing systems.
Satisfactory completion of the course will be recognised by the award of a certificate.